Suggestions Reviewed – We Need Some More!

veteransWe had several name suggestions submitted for consideration in renaming the Helping Our Heroes Program. After much discussion with Mary and Art James, it has been decided to leave the renaming suggestion period open until next week.

Here are some that have been sent in so far:

  • Soldier’s Supply
  • Soldier’s Servants
  • Thank a Soldier
  • Saint’s Soldier’s Supply
  • Caring Christian’s Soldier’s Supply
  • Caring Quartermaster’s Soldier’s Supply
  • Comforting Quartermaster’s Soldier’s Supply
  • Soldiers Sweepers
  • They serve US well
  • They serve U.S. well
  • Helping Hands
  • Scrub-a-soldier services …. more than just cleaning

Post your ideas on our Facebook page or submit them through the Contact form on this site. We had originally requested that words Soldier, Soldiers or Military be used, but we are open to all thoughtful suggestions.

Keep Your Ideas Coming!

We have been getting some good suggestions for the renaming of the “Helping Our Heroes” program. Several people have suggested including the word “Military” in the title. We agree – so keep sending your ideas and be sure they include either of the following words: Soldier, Soldiers or Military.

We are going to continue collecting suggestions through April 12 and then will set up a poll for everyone to vote on their favorites! Click here for more details on prizes!

Post your ideas below, or head on over to the HAYS Cleaning Facebook page and share them there!

Help Us Rename “Helping Our Heroes”

Rename-Helping-Our-Heroes-verticalWhen HAYS Cleaning started the Helping Our Heroes program, in May 2010, the name was chosen as a compliment to Veterans and active Military. Along this journey, it has been pointed out that many Veterans and active Military do not like the word hero nor any reference to being a hero. They are SOLDIERS and that is how they prefer to be recognized.

Read more here.

Remembering Heroes All Year Long

Mary James, from HAYS Cleaning, Inc., presents checks to Jim Kruse. The funds will be used to purchase goods and ship boxes to troops overseas. Also pictured, Jim's granddaughter.
Mary James, from HAYS Cleaning, Inc., presents checks to Jim Kruse. The funds will be used to purchase goods and ship boxes to troops overseas. Also pictured, Jim’s granddaughter.

This past Veterans Day, HAYS Cleaning partnered with the St. Patricia Holy Name Society and local Adopt-a-Platoon member, Jim Kruse, to gather care package items for the troops. HAYS Cleaning customers and friends donated many bags of items, as well as cash donations to help purchase other items. 

While everyone seems to remember the troops during the Christmas season, Jim, and his group of volunteers, remembers them every month with regular shipments of care packages.

Read more here.

Prayers for the Innocent, Prayers for the First Responders

This morning, I met with a man who brings a little bit of home to our troops overseas. After our meeting, I got into the car, all set to run my errands. Then, I turned on the radio.

The news of the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, was the top story. I cannot fathom young children and teachers being killed in what should be a safe place: a school. I cannot imagine what the families of the victims are feeling at this moment. I cannot imagine what the First Responders are feeling having to deal with the deaths of the innocent and the telling of this news to their loved ones.

Tonight, I say prayers for the victims, their families and the local “heroes,” the police, firefighter and medics, who help to pull the pieces together on this horrible day.

Remembering Pearl Harbor

Sunday, December 7, 1941, at  7:53am, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The first surprise attack wave targeted airfields and battleships. The second assault targeted other vessels and shipyard facilities. Many United States service men and women were injured or lost their lives on December 7, 1941. This Photo-Art by Gilbert Padilla, Vietnam Veteran honors the sacrifices of all those who served that fateful day, a date that will live in infamy.

Holiday Mail for Heroes

If you are interested in supporting our troops this Christmas season by sending a card, please send them to:

Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO BOX 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456

Cards must be postmarked by December 7, 2012 and must follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure that all cards are signed.
  • Use generic salutations such as “Dear Service Member.” Cards addressed to specific individuals can not be delivered through this program.
  • Only cards are being accepted. Do not send or include letters.
  • Do not include email or home addresses on the cards: the program is not meant to foster pen pal relationships.
  • Do not include inserts of any kind, including photos: these items will be removed during the reviewing process.
  • Please refrain from choosing cards with glitter or using loose glitter as it can aggravate health issues of ill and injured warriors.
  • If you are mailing a large quantity of cards, please bundle them and place them in large mailing envelopes or flat rate postal shipping boxes. Each card does not need its own envelope, as envelopes will be removed from all cards before distribution.
This image is circulating on Facebook that requests all cards be sent to Walter Reed Hospital. DO NOT SEND CARDS THERE! They will NOT be delivered!

There is an image circulating on Facebook that requests all cards be sent to Walter Reed Hospital. DO NOT SEND CARDS THERE! They will NOT be delivered!






Read more about this here:

Read more about the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes here: and here:

Our Family Heroes: Walter and Arthur James

Walter James
Walter James

In May 2010, Mary and Art James, owners of HAYS Cleaning, Inc., launched their “Helping Our Heroes” program to honor veterans and active military servicemen and women for the Memorial Day Holiday. For the past two-and-a-half years, HAYS has been privileged to provide complimentary cleanings for many fine men and women. At this time, I would like to honor each of them by sharing their photos and stories on individual blog posts.

Arthur James
Arthur James

It is fitting that I begin this project by honoring Art James, along with his father, Walter James, for their service to our country. I do not think it is a coincidence that the two men bear a striking resemblance to one another, after all, the father taught the son well about honor, duty and love of country. I am proud to know Art personally and wish that I could have known his dad.

Walter Martin James
Walter Martin James, 2010

Arthur James
Arthur James

Arthur James
Arthur James

Platoon 2 - Fort Leonard Wood Missouri, Feb. 27.1971
Platoon 2 – Fort Leonard Wood Missouri, Feb. 27.1971 – Art James is in first row, third from the right, holding the flag. He was made Platoon Leader because he was over 6 feet tall and his drill sargeant thought he “was ugly enough.”

Arthur James and Mary James
Arthur James and Mary James, 2011